
人们对赌博娱乐平台网址大全与奴隶制和不公正的联系有一种普遍的误解 卡米尔·约翰逊,21岁.

也就是说,因为这所大学是在内战后的1869年成立的,所以没有任何大学. But through the 圣赌博平台网站大全 Roots Commission (TURC), 这是一项由教师主导的努力,旨在揭示和理解大学历史上的种族主义和不公正, student researchers like 约翰逊 are getting a chance to correct this narrative.

“根源委员会是一个揭示赌博娱乐平台网址大全历史与奴隶制遗产之间超越常识的联系的机会,约翰逊说。, an anthropology major and African-American studies minor from Portland, 俄勒冈州. 


约翰逊, 还有21届人类学专业的罗汉·瓦拉沃克,22届社会学专业的雷切尔·考夫曼和21届社会学专业的塞西莉亚·特克维茨, are spending their summer as researchers for the TURC, 该项目于2018年在赌博娱乐平台网址大全学术事务办公室和校长丹尼·安德森的支持下启动. 该倡议, 由赌博娱乐平台网址大全的教师团队领导, 正在研究动产奴隶制的持久影响以及赌博娱乐平台网址大全创始人的财富来源. 教师 working with the undergraduate team this summer include Sarah Beth Kaufman, 阿尔弗雷德·蒙托亚, 和詹妮弗·马修斯, all from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and Lauren Turek from the Department of history. The TURC is co-chaired by Kaufman and Turek, 除了蒙托亚和马修斯, 包括历史教授Carey Latimore和英语教授Claudia Stokes(前联合主席), 宗教教授安吉拉·塔兰戈, 负责学术事务的助理副校长:学生学术问题和保留, and Special Collections Librarian Colleen Hoelscher, with advising from retired 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 faculty Douglas Brackenridge and Linda Salvucci. 


对于Turkewitz, 对像TURC这样的恢复性司法项目进行研究几乎就像一个悬案. 

“我觉得自己有点像个侦探, 寻找东西,Turkewitz说, who’s interested in criminal justice and law. “I’m learning to research correctly, tie different sources together. This is active archival research—and it’s something I’m passionate about.”

To uncover how slavery and injustice shaped the context in which 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 emerged, Turkewitz and the rest of the group are combing through newspaper archives, 联邦人口普查数据, 美国国会图书馆, 历史学会网站. 调查小组正在密切关注赌博娱乐平台网址大全集团创始人与不公正行为有关的任何信息, 比如奴隶制或佃农制.

这可能是一个挑战, 即使是像特克维茨这样的侦探, when encountering resources that aren’t exactly digital, 比如19世纪的土地记录. “You can’t just ‘command-F’ and find what you’re looking for,” she says. “But that means when you do find something, it’s just so exciting that we call up everyone else in the group just to share it.”

获得像赌博娱乐平台网址大全特别馆藏图书馆这样的资源对该组织来说也是无价之宝, Rachel Kaufman说. “这是世界上最酷的事情有[特别收藏馆员]Colleen [Hoelscher]帮助我们。.”

“Some things we’re looking for would have taken us two days on our own,Turkewitz补充道, “but I ask Colleen for help and they’ve turned it around already like, “给你!’” 



TURC的教师们也为学生们提供了宝贵的资源. 在暑期工作开始之前, 教师团队已经编纂了大量的历史资料和记录,包括: 

  1. Existing university records,包括 records that perished in a fire. 这些“丢失”的物品, such as records of land purchases and donations, in some cases have left a trail of additional documentation indicating their existence. 
  2. Publicly accessible historical documents from the Freedmen's Bureau and U.S. Census,包括 slave schedules (population schedules used in 1850 and 1860). 
  3. 遗嘱认证记录和遗嘱, 土地记录, 以及与特瓦卡纳历史协会有关的坎伯兰长老会的档案, 石灰石县的家谱学家, and current owners of "Texas Hall" (the first 赌博娱乐平台网址大全).

The team has created an archive at Coates 图书馆, developed a bibliography of pertinent secondary sources, and this summer began building an Omeka website, 打算成为一个面向公众的展览.

在这个工作量之上, 约翰逊和该团队的本科生研究人员表示,每个教师也都花时间支持和发展与学生的关系. 在教师的帮助下, 每个学生都能通过麦克奈尔学者计划等渠道获得暑期研究的资金, 梅隆计划, 以及默奇森研究奖学金.

This level of support extends to day-to-day research work, 约翰逊 says.

“我们的导师,博士. 马修斯找我,医生. 考夫曼找塞西莉亚和瑞秋,还有. Montoya for Rohan, were all close to us even before the Roots Commission,” she says. “他们的主要作用是直接支持和指导:他们对我们的发现给予反馈.”

“Dr. Kaufman has all these questions that I don’t even think to ask,” Rachel Kaufman说. “Figuring out who owns archives in Tehuacana, 当我遇到危机或陷入困境时,她不可思议地帮助我重新引导我的思维.”

但对于所有这些支持, faculty have also fostered a sense of autonomy with their students, Walawalkar和Turkweitz说.

“They’ve also been encouragingly hands-off this summer, giving us contacts and access to information and support, but then letting us grow and figure out how to do quality work ourselves,Turkewitz说, 而Walawalkar说的是蒙托亚, “我们知道彼此的节奏:就像我们在知道彼此需要什么的时候会联系对方一样.”


就像乔治敦大学一样, 棕色(的), and Harvard continue similar investigations into their links to slavery, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s research has a chance to contribute in a unique way.

These other projects are examining schools’ antebellum (pre-Civil War) ties to slavery, 但土耳其议会的大部分工作都是为了揭示重建时期遗留下来的奴隶制.

“It’s not like the effects of slavery were wiped out in 1863,” Walawalkar says. “And unfortunately, recent events have made what we’re researching really relevant.” 

Through the TURC, these relevant connections are taking shape. 重建时期的种族暴力对赌博娱乐平台网址大全的历史造成了诸多影响,包括: 

  1. 在战前时期,通过奴隶的劳动积累的财富使三位一体的创始人能够获得土地, 建造第一批建筑, 并在特瓦卡纳雇佣教师和员工. 
  2. 而赌博娱乐平台网址大全创始成员的白人后裔则享有特权,比如进入大学的“遗产”和董事会的职位, 黑人后裔——那些由于三位一体创始人和他们所奴役的人之间的关系而出生的人——被写在这段历史之外,并被剥夺了由此产生的特权.
  3. 前面提到的那些在火灾中被烧毁的大学记录实际上经历了两次不同的法院火灾, as part of multiple campaigns of terror waged against Black freedpeople in East Texas. Thus, some of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's early history is literally made invisible by racial terror. 


Walawalkar, 例如, wants to go to medical school and has previously done research in psychiatry. “This was a different challenge than I was used to, but this experience is still something I’m going to [draw from] going forward.”

对于Turkewitz和Kaufman来说, 与土耳其TURC合作是他们的学术技能和对社会正义的热情的完美结合. While Turkewitz wants to pursue a law degree and a career in civil rights law, Kaufman plans to pursue a doctorate in sociology, 说:“我喜欢研究, 这是一个难得的机会来揭示赌博娱乐平台网址大全早就应该研究的东西. Why wouldn’t I put my whole heart into this?”

For 约翰逊, the work of the Roots Commission resonates on a personal level. As the first student researcher brought onto the project in January 2020, 她在小组的研究和为项目建立网站的过程中都发挥了至关重要的作用. “当我们有问题的时候,卡米尔是我们都会去找的人——她在很多方面都把我们团结在一起,蕾切尔·考夫曼说.

“I’m interested in a future in museum studies, 特别是与致力于社会正义和非裔美国人历史的博物馆合作,约翰逊说. “So being able to do this type of work in research, whether it’s creating a website or going into archives, 非常棒.”

TURC联合主席Sarah Beth Kaufman和Turek表示,TURC的持续工作也对赌博娱乐平台网址大全社区的未来产生了重大影响, 太. 委员会打算继续与其他从事类似工作的大学和学者联系,并计划在可行的情况下尽快召开会议. TURC还打算扩大其未来的范围,包括关注石灰岩县的土著历史, where massacres of tribes 太k place in the 19th century.

“我们希望利用这项研究将赌博娱乐平台网址大全定位为重建期间成立的其他大学的领导者,这些大学正在着手开展Roots项目,考夫曼和塔瑞克写道. “Engaging undergraduates in multidisciplinary Roots research, 创建公共奖学金, and developing digital exhibits are ways that we are models.”

